1. To make futile speech
2. To speak more than necessity.
3. To narrate non-sensual tales of sinners and wrong-doers.
4. To debate
5. To fight
6. To swear
7. To be foul-mouthed and to utter disrespectful words to elders
8. To curse- this habit is found greatly in women.
9. To sing songs and poems contrary to the Shari’at
10. To laugh over the limit.
11. To speak belittling words
12. To expose someone’s secret
13. To make false promises
14. To speak lies. However, if one lies to make peace between two Muslims or if an oppressed person speaks lies so that he can receive his right, then this is permissible.
15. To back-bite- this means to speak in someone’s absence such words that if he was present he would feel bad, even if it is true. This action is forbidden. The good actions of those who backbite will be snatched away and given to the other person.
16. To carry tales
17. To praise or flatter someone in his presence. However, if there is no fear of greatness entering his heart by your praises, but rather his spirits will raise to do good actions, then there is no harm.
18. Not to be concerned of finer errors in one’s speech (e.g. many people say, “Hazrat, whatever dua emerged from your mouth will definitely be accepted, or above Allah below, you are our support.” All of this type of speech is shirk (polytheism).
19. For the general public to ask the Ulama such questions which have no relationship with their necessities i.e. to waste their time in futile and unnecessary questions.
Source: Book “Islah ul Akhlaaq” by Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahab Db
Source: Lectures of Hazrat Maulana Shah Abrar Ul Haq Sahab R.A – Khalifa Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi R.A (Majlis e Dawat ul Haq, Hardoee, India)
1) Frequent recitation of Kalima e Tayyiba
2) Excessive Istaghfaar
3) Supplications for Jannah
4) Asking for protection from Hell
5) Excessive recitation of the Holy Quran. Also, excessive recitation of Durood Sharif, if possible at least 300 times or as many times as possible.
6) Offering Fardh Salah with congregation and Takbir e Ula
7) Going early for Isha Salah and Taraweeh (20 Rakaat)
8 ) Spending free time in the mosque with the intention of Etikaaf.
9) Spending on charity, as much as possible conveniently.
10) Strictly guarding the tongue from any useless talk. Avoid any unnecessary worldly talks.
11) Strictly abstaining from all sins specially watching TV, movies/cinema, back biting, listening to music, unnecessary use of the internet, mixed gatherings of na mehram men and women, women not practicing the veil, using foul language and swearing, shaving or trimming of beard to less than one fist length and other such sins should be very strictly avoided otherwise such a Roza / Saum would not hold any value before Allah(SWT). It is narrated in Hadith:
“Fasting is a shield against Hell unless one breaks it. Breaking it means committing sins” (Mishkat Sharif)
Note: We need to understand that during fasting, we even abstain from basic necessities such as food and water. Cigarette and other types of addictions which are usually hard to leave are also thrown away during fasting only in compliance with the commands of Allah(SWT) and in order to gain the blessings of fasting. How foolish then it would be to ruin our fasts by committing sins and other unlawful acts.
It is narrated in Ahadith that those who do not abstain from unlawful and sinful acts during fasting, Allah(SWT) does not care for their mere starving. Allah(SWT) helps those who strive in his path. A person who was a smoker for the last 20 years left it when he heard that it is extremely shameful to pollute the same tongue and mouth which we use to recite the Holy Quran and Durood Sharif. He just made intention and Allah(SWT) helped him. Another person, during my stay in London, immediately quit smoking when he heard the same thing. Masha Allah both of them have been steadfast in their intentions and Allah(SWT) has helped them.
Similarly, in this blessed month:
One should make the intention to keep Sunnah Beard (which is wajib) up to one fist in length. Afterwards, look at yourself in the mirror and decide for yourself. Insha Allah you would realize that your face would be glowing with the noor of Sunnah. This is such a grave sin that the person who commits it is regarded as a continuous sinner. If somebody commits adultery, theft or murder in the darkness of night, nobody would know it in the morning. But by shaving off the beard, one can be identified as a sinner even during prayers, hajj and is deprived off the blessings of Allah(SWT).
Many people keep their beard up to one fist in length from the front, but trim it off from the sides on the cheeks. That is totally incorrect. It is mandatory (wajib) to keep beard up to one fist in length from the front as well as from both the sides.
Men and Women should observe Sharaee Pardah from all strange (na mehram) Women and Men respectively. (for details refer to Bahishti Zewar by Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi R.A). Over here, only those na mehram relatives are being mentioned who are usually not considered as ne mehram even by many religious families.
Na Mehram Women For Men:
Na Mehram Men For Women:
Make special effort to abstain from Back Biting as it kills the spirit of Fasting.
Gaze should also be strictly guarded from strange (Na Mehram) Men and Women as it is one of the “Poisonous Arrows” of Iblees which deprives one of the blessings of prayers and worship.
May Allah(SWT) help us in acting upon these points.
Your corpse will not be able to cast lustful glances but that will not warrant one any reward from Allah Ta’ala, for the sacrifice of a corpse is not acceptable in His court. Allah Ta’ala wants us to become His, to sacrifice our desires, whims and fancies while hale and hearty,while still alive and able to commit those sins. Why are you waiting forthat time when death will reap your soul and you will be unable todisobey Allah? This will be termed, ‘being made to give up sins’ andnot ‘giving up sins’. Voluntarily giving up sins while the choice to commit them still exists within one will entail a lofty stage offriendship with Allah Ta’ala. Bear the burden of leaving sins. If onedesires to enjoy the pleasure of Allah’s pleasure, bear the burden andexperience that pleasure wherein the burden itself will no longer remain a burden.
Source: Patience and the Status of Siddiqueen (English) (Urdu)
Discourse: Aarif Billah Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahab Db