Sunnahs of Aazaan and Iqaamah – Part 1

Also listen to,

Azan e Fajr by Moazzin Tahir Sahab Db at Khanqah Imdadiya Ashrafiya, Karachi

Recommended reading: Common Mistakes in Adhaan & Iqaamah

Sunnahs of Aazaan and Iqaamah

Sunnahs of Azaan and Iqaamah – Part 1

1.        It is Sunnat to face the Qibla while saying the Azaan and Iqaamah.

2.        It is Sunnat to say the Azaan with pauses after each phrase while the Sunnat methodof Iqaamah is to say it quickly.

3.        During the Azaan it is Sunnat to turn the face to the right when saying: and towards the left when saying However, the chest and the feet should remain towards the direction of the Qibla.

4.        It is Sunnat to repeat the words of the Azaan after the Muazzin (in reply to theAzaan). When the Muazzin call out

reply with:

5.        In the Azaan of Fajar when the Muazzin calls out: 

reply with:

6.        The reply will be given to the Iqaamah in the same way as it is given for Azaan. However, in reply to 
one should say:


Allahu Allah Allahu Allah

Ashaar of Hazrat Khwaja Azizul Hassan Majzoob R.A (Khalifa of Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi R.A) read by Hazrat e Aqdas Maulana Mehboob Elahi Sahab Db.

These Ashaar of filled with the love and zikr of Allah(SWT) and the beautiful voice of Hazrat Shaykh Db makes them even more heart touching.

Allahu Allah Allahu Allah


Sunnahs When Treating and Visiting the Sick – Part 2

Sunnahs When Treating and Visiting the Sick

Sunnahs When Treating And Visiting The Sick–Part 2

6.        To console the patient in any way possible is Sunnat. For example one should say to him that Insha- Allah you will recover very quickly, Allah Ta’ala is the Most Powerful. One should not say such things which will instil fear in the sick person.

7.        When visiting the sick one  should say  the  following:

Trans: Do not become worried as this sickness will be a means of cleaning you from your sins, if Allah Ta’ala wishes.
Thereafter recite this seven times for his recovery:

Trans: I ask Allah Ta’ala who is All Powerful and the Lord of the Great Throne that He grants you recovery. Rasulullah () has stated that by reading this dua seven times the sick person will be cured. However, if the time of his death has approached than nothing can delay that.

Sunnahs When Treating and Visiting the Sick – Part 1

Sunnahs of Treating and Visiting the Sick

Sunnahs When Treating And Visiting The Sick–Part 1

1.        It is Sunnat to take medication and undergo treatment during an illness. However, one should depend only on Allah Ta’ala for the cure.

2.        It is Sunnat to treat an illness with kalunji (black seed ) and honey. (Bukhari-  chapter on medicine) Rasulullah () said that Allah has placed cure in these two things. There are many Ahadith narrated in praise of kalunji and honey.

3.        During treatment one should avoid those things which aggravate the illness.

4.        It is Sunnat to visit one’s sick brother. Nabi () said: 
(Bukhari) “Visit the sick”.
Hazrat Jaabir () narrates: 

“I became sick. Nabi () came to visit me”. (Bukhari)

5.        After visiting the sick it is Sunnat to leave quickly (Mishkaat). It should not happen that the patient or his family is inconvenienced in any way by your remaining there for a long time.