Leaders in Islam!

The Janazah of Khawaja Bakhtiyar Kaki Rahmatullahi Alaih was ready for Namaz e Janaza. The khadim-e-khas of Khwaja Sahab came forward and announced that according to the will of  Khawaja the funeral prayer (salat-ul-janazah) is to be led by the person who fulfills these 3 requirements:

1. He should have never laid eyes on any unrelated women (non-mehram) after reaching puberty.

2. He should have never missed the 4 rakat of sunnah-prayer (ghair-muakkidah) before asr salah.

3. Because of the fear and awe of Allah, he never looked upwards towards heavens.

The huge crowd stood still. All the Awliya of Dehli and Shaykh’s senior khulafa were there. No one came forward. TheKhadim repeatedly announced the requirements. But there was no response. A sense of impatience was being felt.

Finally, The Sultan of Delhi , Sultan Shamusddin Altamash (Allah have mercy on him) stepped forward.

He remarked, “No one knew my secret, the respected Khawaja  disclosed it. All praise is for Allah, I fullfil these criteria”.

He then led the prayers.

Command of Beard

Recently, a sticker was published from Khanqah Imdadia Ashrafia by the call of Hazratwala (Shaikh ul Arab Wal Ajam, Arif Billah Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb damat barkartuhum), about the importance of beard in shariah and clarifying a common misunderstanding with regards to the law pertaining to the beard. It states:


To keep beard equal to one fist in length is not just Sunnah, but it is Wajib(Mandatory).
To shave beard or trim it less than one fist length is HARAM (strictly prohibited).
(Behisti Zewar, Chapter 11, Page 115)

Beard should be of one’s own fist length from all three sides (right, left and below the chin)

Shaikh ul Arab Wal Ajam, Arif Billah Hazrat Aqdas Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb damat barkatuhum
Published By: Khanqah Imdadia Ashrafia, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi, Pakistan

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